How to create product?

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Step 1: Select "Products" in the left hand menu

Selecting Products will open the Products module and display the list of existing products, where you can easily search, sort or filter by product type. 

Step 2: Add product

Adding products is an easy process. Clicking on the “+Add Product” button will open a pop-up to enter a Product Name and to select the product type.

  • For Rental: Use this for products you want to rent out, for a time period, where the customer can select a return date.
  • For Sale: Use this for products you want to sell.
  • As a Subscription: Use this for products you want your customers to subscribe to, meaning to have the product for an unlimited time, without having a set return time.
    • If enabled, users can swap products (meaning, turn in the existing product, and instead get an other product) during their subscription.
    • If you need this, but do not see this enabled in your admin, then please reach out to, and we will help you with enabling this.

After selecting the product name and type, you will be taken to the Product Page allowing you to enter product information.

Step 3: Fill out information about your product

Below we will describe all the things you can do on a product page. Fill out and set up what is necessary for your needs.

Three things need to be done, before you can set your product live:

  1. Set a daily price for the product
  2. Create inventory for the product
  3. Publish the product


  • Description - Describe your product. This text will be displayed on the product page under “About the product” tab.
  • Usage areas - Description of activities relevant for this product, to be displayed on the product page in the “Usage areas” tab.
  • More details - More technical details can be provided about the product, which will be visible under Product page “Mode details” section
  • SEO - This summarizes a page's content and presents that to users in the search results. So think of what is an optimal product tilte for people that searches for your product, and what a suitable description could be.

Product Settings

  • Inactive / Publish - Publishing a product will make it go live in your shop. Setting it to Inactive will hide it for public users. The product can still be seen with the Preview function by admin users.
  • This is an accessory - An accessory is a product that will only be shown when attached to another (non-accessory) product.
    • E.g. a car can have a child seat as accessory, but the car seat is not rented out separately
  • Fixed booking duration - Use this if your rental period always is fixed, or if you have services you provide with a fixed time. E.g. An Interior Consultation of 1 hour, where the user can not choose any other length. Read more here.

Advanced pricing

  • Include retail pricing - Display the full retail (sales) price on the product page. If enabled, then a new input field can be found under Daily Pricing:

  • Advanced pricing - If enabled, the product page will get many new pricing related options. Read more here.


  • Search tag - Tags are words or combination of words that will be used by the Search function on the Shop site.
  • Product Category - Product categories act as filters to the end user in the Shop Products (list) page. Multiple categories can be assigned to one product.
  • Display Order in Shop - The display priority is used to sort products when displayed to the end user on the Products list page. For example, a more popular product can be given a higher display priority and get a position towards the top of the list.


  • Inventory - Here you can set if units should be tracked individually (one ID per item) or by bulk (e.g. if you rent out 20 chairs, and do not care about which one is being rented out).
    • Click on "Manage" to manage the product's inventory - Read more here.
  • Variants - Set this up if you product has variants. Read more here.
  • Purchase Time - This field represents the number of days needed to purchase another product item (asset) for the same product. This can be useful in case virtual inventory items are used. Virtual items are inventory items, that could be booked in advance by users, but are yet to be purchased. Therefore, during the purchase time period, they are not available for booking, but become available for the time after that period.

The newly added product would look like this on the website:

Note: The product will not be visible in the shop until the toggle in the upper right corner is pressed, to set the product as active - and give it the status as "Published"

Note: An initial message indicating the product is not available will show at first, until inventory items will be filled in for this product.

Click here to see how to Add inventory items

Click here to read more about setting up variants for products

Click here for more help articles related to setting up products with prices, product categories, upload photos etc.

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