How to place an open ended order?

For an introduction on how open ended rentals work, please read this overview article. Open ended orders can be placed in the Webhop and in Admin when the feature is active.

Placing the order in the Webshop

Product Page

Your online customers can see the open ended return option on the Product page:

Shop Product page: Open ended return type

The availability of the product will be checked from the user selected start time to a very long time in the future as configured for your shop (read more here). Your product needs to be marked with an open-ended return type in Admin (read more) for this option to show.

Cart Page

The user will only see prices per day for the open ended rental product and its associated accessories while in Cart. The order will not have a total price and an explanation message will be shown to the user.

Placing such an order online can be restricted to companies only or allowed to all users. If restricted, a message will shown for private users:

Warning to private users, if restriction is on

The user will not be able to pay such an order online. Only manual payment methods will be available, as configured for your shop (read more here). The user will be able to place the order online and will receive an email confirmation.

Placing the order in Admin

Creating a new order

When placing an order, the manager can select the Open-ended return option in the return calendar.

Only prices per day will be shown for this product or any selected accessories while creating the order or when the order is made.

It is possible to set an estimated return date, if you are certain the product will be returned and would like to make the product available for another customer afterwards.

Communicating with the customer

The manager can communicate the order to the customer as usual via order page Actions ▸ Download as PDF or ▸ Send email confirmation. Note that the customer can also access the order in the Shop ▸ My orders page.

See this article on how to manage and close open ended orders.

Related help articles: 

How do open ended rentals work?

How to activate open ended rentals on a product?

How to manage and close open ended rental orders?

Advanced configuration options for open ended rentals

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