Advanced configuration options for open ended rentals

The following are advanced configuration options available for your site. In order to activate them or make changes please contact Support via For an introduction on how open ended rentals work, please read this overview article.

Activating open-ended rentals

This is a premium feature and may already be included in your plan.

Allowing or restricting private users in the Shop

It is possible to restrict open-ended order placement to businesses only. If you would like this restriction, please reach out to Support.

Set open-ended return as default in the Shop

If your customers are mainly companies which usually prefer open-ended rentals, we can activate this return option to be the default on loading the Rental Product page.

Under the hood: Reservation time for open-ended rentals

By default, an estimated return date for the open-ended rental is set to 10 years after start date. This value can be changed if needed and is usually hidden from manager's view under the label "Open-ended".

If your business prefers shorter default estimated return dates, so that a 2nd customer can book in 3 months, 6 months or next season, please reach Support to set it up.

Revealing the date under the "open-ended" label

The hidden estimated return date, usually "10 years from today", will be revealed in Admin once the time is approaching that date, for example 5 years before. This threshold of "5 years" can again be changed for your site if needed.

Related help articles: 

How do open ended rentals work?

How to activate open ended rentals on a product?

How to place an open ended order?

How to manage and close open ended rental orders?

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