How does the Tripletex integration work?

Note on invoice integration:

The integration between Tripletex and Sharefox will enable Sharefox to automatically create invoices based on customer orders. Additionally, Sharefox will create the customer in Tripletex if it does not exists yet based on data from Sharefox and the order.

Sharefox will use one or more products in Tripletex to define how any accounting is done. The product setup in Tripletex defines which sales account to use, in addition to VAT codes and related setup. It is possible to configure Sharefox to post different Sharefox products to different accounts, allowing for greater granularity on the accounting of posting invoices based on rentals.

The product setup will be used for all invoices, and Sharefox will ensure that each invoice line created contains a descriptive text giving more information about the rental, including type of product in Sharefox and when the rental took place. 

The first step in setting up the integration is to complete the setup in Tripletex:

Setting up Tripletex

  • Sign up on Tripletex by choosing one of the packages here: Pakker og priser or by trying for free here: Prøv Tripetex gratis i 14 dager (
  • Set up one or more rental products in Tripletex
  • Enable the integrations module by going to the “My subscription” page and clicking the “try free” button found on the “Integrations” card, in the “Modules and additional services” section.

  • Request a user token. This is a token created by an administrator in your Tripletex account via the user settings and the tab "API access". Each employee token must be given a set of entitlements.
  • Write down or store User Token ("brukernøkkel") to be used in setting up Sharefox
    • All invoices created by Sharefox will be using these products
    • Define all required setup, including accounting information and product group in Tripletex for how invoices should be posted. This product will be used for all Sharefox created invoices, and each invoice will get individual order lines with text describing the rental and the timeslot. 
    • Example of a simple, generic rental product: 

Contact Sharefox support ( ) once these steps are completed. Inform support that the setup is complete, add the User Token and the Identificator of the new rental product in the email. Sharefox Support will then complete the setup within your Sharefox rental system. 

  • For Identificator of the rental product: Please share with us either a unique Product Number or (if this is empty) a unique Product ID or both or use the Product Mapping feature directly in Admin under Settings > Integrations > Accounting

Some customers will have rental products with a price of zero set up and used in their rental business. These products will also generate invoice lines, and these lines will have zero amount. It is possible to stop the system from generating these zero value invoice rows, please inform Sharefox support how you would like your system to behave.  

How is the invoice created in Tripletex?

An invoice that is created in Sharefox can be transferred to Tripletex as described below. 

What should I do in Sharefox? 

Once you have an order created, you can add an invoice and transfer it to Tripletex by following this sequence:

  • Create an invoice-base for your order (read more)
    • Make sure the invoice data is complete
  • Set a suitable due-date for your invoice-base
  • Click Send Invoice 

What happens in Tripletex? 

The system will automatically perform the following steps:

  1. Finding right customer. The system will check in Tripletex if customer exists by searching by email and organization number (if customer is a business customer)
  2. Generate new order in Tripletex
    • The system will search for a product in Tripletex dedicated for rental services, by looking up product name property which is defined as a setting in Sharefox. 
    • An invoice item row will be generated for every rented product. For example, an invoice item row looks like: Tractor (2021-01-10 – 2021-01-12)  together with other fields (price, discount and vat)
  3. An order is created. Please note that this order is created as a draft and must be approved inside Tripletex. 

Read more about the Tripletex accounting file.

Read more about payment method mapping.

Read more tips about setup inside Tripletex.

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