Orders: categories and status

In this article we will go through the categories and statuses so you, as administrator, can take full advantage of Sharefox.


In the picture above we can see 10 different categorizations that the system performs automatically when creating / receiving new orders:

  • REF: this is the unique code that is automatically given by the system to any submitted product
  • CREATED: this is the order creation date
  • CUSTOMER: the name of the customer who created the order
  • PRODUCTS: the name of the product ordered
  • START TIME: the date and time the customer wants to start the rental 
  • END TIME: the date and time the customer wants to end the rental
  • DISTRIBUTION: If your company has several locations available for the client to choose from, the selected location that the client has chosen will be displayed
  • STATUS: Here you will find the status of the orders coming in. Here are the descriptions of the statuses you can use:
    • BOOKED: The order has been reviewed and the product is now booked for the selected time period
    • CLOSED: The product has been returned and the order is now considered "finished"
    • CANCELLED: The order has been canceled by admin
    • CHANGED: The order has been changed from the original
  • DELIVERY STATUS: Here you will be able to see, among other things, whether the product has been handed out / delivered back, etc. Note: You can read more about DELIVERY STATUS here.
  • PRICE EXC. VAT/INC. VAT: Here you will find the total amount of the order with and without VAT


Sharefox offers several aids on the order page so that you, as an administrator, can maintain good control of orders. Below we review the three most important status updates for you after receiving an order. Note: These status updates are not required for orders. These status updates exist to give you and your staff better management of the order path.In the image above we can see 3 different status updates that you can use.

    • INVENTORY ID: If you have different types of the same product in inventory, but with different IDs, you can easily delegate the correct product ID to this order. If it doesn't matter if this customer receives one or the other, you can simply leave this status as it was originally.
      • Example 1: Ola has 2 trucks with trailers. There is no difference between them, so Ola chooses not to do anything with this status.
      • Example 2: Ola has 2 trucks with trailers. Both are the same price, but one is slightly larger than the other, and the customer needs to load some goods and needs the larger truck for the original price. Ola then chooses to delegate the larger truck to this order by choosing the correct inventory ID. 

        *It may be useful to mark the unique code of the product to monitor its consumption 
    • ITEM STATUS: With this status update, you can maintain control over the entire lifecycle of the customer's rental. Below you can see the different options in the drop down menu:
      • PACKED: If there are several employees using and checking incoming orders, this status update will be useful so that each colleague knows the status of the order
      • CHECKED OK: This status update is applied after the end of the customer's rental. Choosing "checked ok" means that the product was delivered on time and without any damage
      • CHECKED DIRTY: This status update should be applied after the end of the rental agreement with the customer. Choosing "checked dirty" means that the product was delivered, but the cleaning guidelines were not followed. You may then decide to deduct the deposit, or part of it. Read more about the deposit here.

        *It is recommended to include the cleaning guidelines both in the product description and on the terms and conditions. You may also decide to add "cleaning" as an "accessory"
      • CHECKED DAMAGED: should be applied after the end of the rental agreement with the customer. By choosing checked damaged, you will say that the product was delivered, but damaged during the rental. You will then exercise your right to deduct the customer's deposit as a result of this after the fact. Read more about the deposit here.
      • CHECKED MISSING: This status update should be applied after rental has ended. By selecting checked missing, you indicate that something is missing from this product or the product itself. You will then exercise your right to deduct the customer's deposit, or part of it, as a result. Read more about the deposit here.
      • CANCELLED: Select this status update if the customer changes their mind or does not want a product in an order.
    • DELIVERY STATUS: With status updates under delivery status, you and your colleagues will be able to keep track of what's happening to the product physically at all times and keep everyone updated on the status of the rental.

      Below you can see the different options from the drop down menu:
      • IN PREPARATION: to be used when you are preparing your product for shipment
      • READY FOR TRANSPORT: can be used when the product is ready for transport
      • IN TRANSPORT OUT: This update indicates that the product is being shipped to the customer
      • READY PICKUP: can be used when the product is ready to be picked up. 
      • PICKED UP: can be used when the product is picked up/received by the customer
      • RETURNED: can be used when the product is returned by the customer
      • IN TRANSPORT RETURN: can be used when the product is returned by the customer
      • READY FOR CHECKING: can be used when the product has been shipped and is ready for checkout
      • CHECKED: can be used when the product has been shipped and is checked
      • CLOSED: can be used when the product rental is finished

Extra note - Status:
Every order that gets the Order Status: Booked

ef26bfa61d2fb4b606befbd99f09c456.png changed manually by the admin, will not receive an email automatically.
If you want to send an email confirmation to a customer whose status has been changed by the admin, there is an option to do it:
1. Go to the order
2. Click on "Actions" (right top corner)
3. Choose "Send confirmation"

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