Order delivery changes

We have launched a new view of the order page with more flexibility and better organization of deliveries inside the order.

Delivery grouping

An order can have many deliveries and those delivered now can be grouped based on the name you have set.
These deliveries need to be on the same date-time range and location.

Example: In the image below we see 2 deliveries that have the same date-time range and location.

These two deliveries of the order can be grouped into better view.
You can click '+ Add name' on the top of delivery or click the Edit (pencil) button on the right side and click 'Set name'.
Then you can set the name of the delivery. Set the same name for both of these deliveries and they will be grouped in one.

I have set the name to both deliveries to 'Package L' and then they grouped together.

If you want to Ungroup the deliveries, you can go again to the Edit (pencil) button on the right side and click 'Set name'. 

The popup will come up and you can click 'Clear Group Name'

Delivery update status

If you want to update status of the delivery, click on the Edit (pencil) button on the right side and
and then click 'Update Status'.

The popup will come up and you can set the status and 'Update'.

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