How to block an item for a limited time?

It may happen that for different reasons (internal reservations, maintenance, etc.) some items must be booked/blocked internally.In this way you are booking products internally and making them unbookable for the customers. These are the steps to allow this to happen:

Step 1

  • Go to your administration page and click on customer in the left side menu. Then you will be able to see your registered customers. (See picture below).
  • Go to your administration page and then go to the Order page. There you click on the 'Create order' on the top-right corner.

Step 2: Assign to Internal order

  • Click on the 'Order without assigned customer' then click the 'Internal order' button. Then click the 'Next step' button on the bottom-right.

Step 3: Select products

  • Select product(s) and set up the location and date-times then click Add. After adding products click 'Next step' the button on the bottom-right.

Step 4: Book the order

  • Once you are done adding products to the order and you on the order section, you should put the Payment method to 'Internal' and then click 'Book' button on the bottom-right.

Internal bookings are not shown in reports, and there is no fee.

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