How to update access for a certain user/booking
When changing self service access, please remember to do two steps:
- Update booking, if necessary. If you want to also release the product for other customers / update booking schedule, you need to manually perform a normal Order Change action. See more details here
- Overwrite access record. You can manually update a self-service access record to any custom period of choice (note: this is separate from normal order change procedure above):
- Find the access record (via Self Service Search or from Order > Actions > Self Service)
- Click on the Change icon and follow the instructions on the Change Access in order to select new start and end time values:
Note: After the update is confirmed, please give it a few seconds and refresh the page. The access change API call can be done asynchronously between Sharefox and the self service system (eg. Flinkey). After refresh, check the Status or log to see that the change was successful.
You can also revoke access for a particular user / booking. (See here how)