Add video to landing page

This article explains how you can add a video to your landing page using the template settings

See it in use here:

Click to see larger image

Find the url to the video you want to use.

Note: Make sure you have the necessary license/rights to use this video on your site

Also, be aware that a large video (file size, not dimensions) will slow your page and could significantly impact your SEO.

Go to "Settings" > "Template"

  1. Pick a custom code slot that isn't used for anything else
  2. Open html editing
  3. Add the following code:
video {
  width: 100%    !important;
  height: auto   !important;
  pointer-events: none;
video::-webkit-media-controls-panel {
display: none !important;
opacity: 1 !important;
<video src="URL_GOES_HERE" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted="" controls="controls" width="300" height="150"></video></div>

  1. Where it says "URL_GOES_HERE" - paste your video url inside the quotemarks.
  2. Hit "Ok"
  3. Repeat for other languages
  4. Publish


Video doesn't load

  • Make sure you are linking to the actual video file (should end in .mp4 or .mov or maybe .webm).

Video is too fuzzy

  • Small (resolution) videofiles are scaled up / stretched to cover the entire page width. Small files will look fuzzy. You can use a higher resolution video at the cost of bandwith (page speed).

Video doesn't play automatically — I have to press play for it to run

  • Copy the code again. It sounds like you removed some properties.

Video doesn't loop

  • Copy the code again. It sounds like you removed some properties.

Video takes forever to load

  • Larger files take longer to load. Try a smaller (file size) video.

Can I remove the watermark/text on the video?

  • No, if it is part of the video it can't be removed. Ask the creator for a clean version.

Can I place the video somewhere else?

  • Technically you can place it anywhere you can edit html. That doesn't mean you should!

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