How to add discount to an order?

Discounts can be entered in two ways. Discounts can be given as gift cards / discount cards for online payment (See separate blog) and are then deducted from the shopping cart.
For manual orders, a discount is added per item line on the order itself. This is done during finishing (after creation)
Press EDIT inside the order. Then we can choose Add a discount to enter a discount.

Enter a discount, in the example 10%, press CONFIRM to calculate a new price and then the total price is updated.

Note that the discount function manual orders does not take into account already given discounts on online orders (for example 10%) through gift cards or others. This will therefore affect the total paid calculations that are recalculated, which one must be a little aware of. The correct thing would then be to add a 10% discount afterwards so that the total amount matches.
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