Order 2.0
With the Orders module, you will have access to more clear and user-friendly pages, with good features that will provide an efficient workflow. The upgrades include:
- page views, information displayed, statuses and highlights.
- Alerts at order level (eg Delayed return).
- Order types (online vs. manual vs. internal order) are visible while browsing.
- Availability on mobile to streamline daily operations.
Type of order and notifications.
Filters for a more efficient daily operation
Filters are optimized to include both fast filters and more advanced filter options, including:
- Effective filtering for pick-up and return during the selected time period (eg today or this week).
- Ability to filter by multiple fields as needed: order type, payment method, ect.
- Ability to store your own filters, based on needs.
Ability to create orders directly from admin
See separate guide on creating orders.
Many functions
- Print or export to XLS your own selection of orders.
- Edit orders manually and offer custom discounts or custom services.
- Generate invoices from the administrator and send them to your accounting program.
- Many other small adjustments and improvements to make your daily work more efficient.