Payment testing cards

You can use the following testing cards to place a successful order on a testing environment:

NETS Easy testing card
  • You can use the following VISA testing card: 4925 0000 0000 0004 - exp date >today - control code *any 3 digits*
  • You can use the following MasterCard testing card: 5413 0000 0000 0000 - exp date >today - control code *any 3 digits*
  • In case you experience any testing difficulty with one card eg. due to upgrades on testing environments, please try the second one as well
  • For more test cards, you can access documentation here: 
Stripe testing card
  • You can use the following VISA testing card: 4242 4242 4242 4242 - exp date >today - control code *any 3 digits*
  • You can use the following Mastercard testing card: 5555 5555 5555 4444 - exp date >today - control code *any 3 digits*

For any questions please contact Sharefox Support. 

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